Most people have seen the movie or read the book “Pay It Forward”. For those who have not, it's a story about a boy who commited to doing 3 good deeds for others in need. They only thing he asked in return, was that they each pass on the good deed, by doing something good for 3 more people in need, thus keeping the cycle going.
It's amazing what one good deed for someone in need can create. With everyone doing it and continuing the cycle of giving and kindness, the world can become a better more peaceful place. What a concept!
Blake Beattie is founder of International Pay It Forward Day. Below is a message from his site, http://payitforwardday.com/:
"Pay it Forward Day is a brilliant concept by Catherine Ryan Hyde from her book of the same title. Some people were originally quite skeptical of the whole idea: they said that it was good in theory, but not in practice. I challenged this point of view believing that people are genuinely giving by nature, but many get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life. April 29 is a time when each of us can get to experience the ‘Power of Giving’ and a massive, positive ripple effect continues as Pay it Forward cards travel around with each good deed that is completed."
The next “Pay It Forward Day” is set to be:
Thursday 29th April 2010

It's amazing what one good deed for someone in need can create. With everyone doing it and continuing the cycle of giving and kindness, the world can become a better more peaceful place. What a concept!
Blake Beattie is founder of International Pay It Forward Day. Below is a message from his site, http://payitforwardday.com/:
"Pay it Forward Day is a brilliant concept by Catherine Ryan Hyde from her book of the same title. Some people were originally quite skeptical of the whole idea: they said that it was good in theory, but not in practice. I challenged this point of view believing that people are genuinely giving by nature, but many get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life. April 29 is a time when each of us can get to experience the ‘Power of Giving’ and a massive, positive ripple effect continues as Pay it Forward cards travel around with each good deed that is completed."
The next “Pay It Forward Day” is set to be:
Thursday 29th April 2010

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